Chard - Свежая зелень Израиль

Каталог свежей зелени и салатов

Мангольд красный

Chard has a slightly bitter taste and is used in a variety of cultures around the world, including Arab cuisine. Fresh young chard can be used raw in salads. Mature chard leaves and stalks are typically cooked (like in pizzoccheri) or sauteed; their bitterness fades with cooking, leaving a refined flavor which is more delicate than that of cooked spinach.
Cultivars of chard include green forms, such as 'Lucullus' and 'Fordhook Giant', as well as red-ribbed forms such as 'Ruby Chard' and 'Rhubarb Chard'. The red-ribbed forms are very attractive in the garden, but as a rough general rule, the older green forms will tend to out-produce the colorful hybrids. 'Rainbow Chard' is a mix of other colored varieties that is often mistaken for a variety unto itself.
Chard has shiny, green, ribbed leaves, with petioles that range from white to yellow to red, depending on the cultivar.

Red chard свежая зелень из Израиля

Chard red свежая израильская зелень оптом в Россию

Red chard

Red chard photo (c) Flora Export S.G. Israel LTD
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